Saturday, August 3, 2013

New Seventh Day Adventist Church In Livingston, Tennessee

Greetings from the beautiful hills of Tennessee! We hope this finds you all “prospering and in health”! I’ve been wanting to share with you all for some time just a bit of what God is doing here in north central Tennessee. About four years ago God led a small group of Adventist Christians to dream and plan…..and finally to begin a Fellowship in Livingston, TN, a small town of about 5,000 where there never before has been a Seventh-day Adventist Church. Our initial group consisted of about 20 plus adults and we met Sabbath by Sabbath in the lobby of my medical office, the Oasis Medical Center.

With the blessing of the Lord our little mission group grew to over 50 charter members when one year ago we were officially recognized as a “Company” – the step just below a “Church” as defined by the organizational structure of the SDA Church. As we were blessed by this growth it quickly became pleasantly clear that we needed more space and we needed it soon. The lobby of the office comfortably holds about 35 people. Often we have people seated in the adjoining office area looking through the windows and/or down the hall. On a recent Sabbath we were blessed with 61 children of God in attendance! Praise the Lord!!

Livingston Seventh Day Adventist Church

And so, in faith, we broke ground last fall on a church building located immediately adjacent to the Medical Center. Our desire and our prayer was and is to build the church debt free. Our need urged us to move forward. It is our goal to begin worshipping in this memorial to the love and goodness and reliability of our Creator God sometime this fall – maybe even by September. And are we debt free? Ah….I wish I could say we were, but that is not the case! Of the total project which is an estimated $500,000 at this point it appears we will have a debt of approximately $300,000. We’re inviting you to join us in the journey; to join us in this mission of sharing the incredibly good news of the love of God and the certainty of His soon return with Overton and surrounding counties.

My initial desire was to send you all a DVD giving you the privilege of experiencing this journey with us. But we can do one better than that! Enjoy it right now at! See for yourself the mission and vision of this little group which desires above all things to be faithful to the mission He has given us. And then I invite you to join us in this journey. This can be done in several ways. You can pray that Jesus Christ be lifted up as never before in this community and the surrounding communities as well! You can just come join us with all of the talents and gifts he has given you to dedicate to His service! (God is starting an evangelistic radio ministry in this area as well. Could you be the one who He is calling to help out with that?) And/or you can send a gift to help fulfill the dream of worshipping in a church debt free this fall!

Changing Lives

This letter is from a missionary from Africa, Martin Kiogora, which our Livingston Fellowship has supported in his mission to become a Seventh Day Adventist pastor. We are so proud of him for completing his studies and devoting his life to spreading the word of God.
"I write to thank you for your continued prayers and support on my behalf. It’s now three years since I first wrote you a letter requesting educational support. You responded positively and gave me your unwavering support for my education and my upkeep. You wrote me letters of encouragement and even prayed for me as a body and as individuals when I got sick. Hardly did I lack anything even when my personal needs were pressing and you were experiencing the effects of recession, still you sacrificed for my needs. I lack the proper words to express my sincere gratitude for these acts of kindness stemming from unselfish love. Your willingness to be used by God has helped me complete my Bachelor’s degree and thus realize my dreams, something I thought I would never achieve owing to my challenging background. This has served to increase my faith and confidence in the promises of God that He will never leave nor yet forsake me. You’ve helped me make history in my family as the first member to acquire a degree and by doing so I have set a precedent for my young brother and my cousin to follow. This achievement means so much to me and also for the course of God here in Kenya. I have acquired skills and techniques for making my ministry and talents more effective. While this is true I realize the techniques and skills of themselves don’t make one effective, but it’s the total surrender to God and dependence on Him that will guarantee me success. It is God who has called me and it Him who will qualify me for His glory. Hence I feel a deep need of God in my life and humbly seek His will and purpose for my life daily. That way my education makes me more humble and a willing vessel to be used of God just like Paul of old who was endowed with intelligence and knowledge yet submitting to God who upbraideth not but gives knowledge liberally. So my training besides honing my skills in the knowledge of the word of God has also opened an avenue for me for a life of devoted and dedicated service to God and man as a minister of the glad tidings of the Cross. I now will move forward believing and trusting that the grace of God is sufficient for me for it will supply all my needs for ministry. I believe God is not yet finished with me and so I keep my eyes and heart wide open for His leadings."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Free Presentation: Eating for Optimal Health, Made Simple

Come learn more about eating healthy!!
Monday, October 25th at 6:30pm at Oasis Medical Center, Livingston TN

“Eating for Optimal Health: Made Simple"

Presenters are Tony and Nora Ricono. They are co-directors of Tennessee Institute Lifestyle Education.

Oat Pecan Burger Recipe




Sunday, July 18, 2010

What our Environment has to do with Health and Healing from a Biblical Perspective

How important is our environment? What is the message we find in the environment?

The environment sustains all aspects of our being: mental, physical and spiritual. God spent 5 days preparing the environment to nurture man. Inherent in the environment is not only the sustenance to nurture man but the beauty and wonder that intrigue our minds: the behavior of the animals, the growth cycle of plants, the host of the heavens, and the myriad of geographical features that attract our attention. In our environment we find the activities we perform that exercise our bodies in both work and recreation and provides the context for our social natures as well. The Bible tells us that nature is also speaking to us of the existence of the Creator. The world around us tells us of his inexhaustible nature, its vastness is marvelous in our eyes as is its simultaneous capacity for uniqueness and individuality. In this way nature informs us of God’s values. We find another reminder in His presence in our own bodies in their natural capacity to heal themselves. The environment manifests the same inherent capacity to heal. The natural forces of the environment themselves are also agents of healing. The message of the environment is: God loves us and has provided for all of our needs. He gives us a natural capacity to heal, delights all of our senses, provides the means for us to make a living, intrigues our minds, and gives us a sense of meaning and purpose in the stewardship of our environment.

Do we have more than one environment?

We also have an inner environment. Reading God’s Holy Word turns our eyes upon our inner landscape. Connecting securely to the Spirit of God in prayer, remembering the promises of hope and the reassurance of His love turn our eyes upon the inner landscape. We are blessed when we get our inside world, our minds and our hearts, put right. It is then that we can see God in our outside world.

In his sermon on the mount, Jesus taught blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. When we learn to see God in others, we learn to cooperate and help others. As a result we find our place in God’s family, and in our community and we begin to have a beneficial affect on our environment.
Genesis 1-2:7 psalms 19:1 Haggai 2:8

Questions related to Genesis 1-2:7
In what ways does man have a spiritual likeness to God? Man has the capacity to reason, have moral discernment, emotional experience, self-awareness, ability to communicate through language, and to find meaning and purpose in relationships.
What comes as a consequence of being created in His image? If we are being transformed into His image, we also are being given the responsibility of being good stewards. As we are restored we will naturally begin to resume true dominion over the earth. God wants us to care for all the resources he gives us. What scriptures come to mind?
According to Genesis 1: 26 what is God’s purpose in our lives today? God’s purpose in our lives today is to conform us to the image of Christ. As such, his purpose is also for us to be good stewards of the earth and all its creatures especially the lost people are to be led to the Good Shepherd by his disciples. We are to care for the earth and one another until Christ returns.

How did the creation of humans differ from the rest of creation?
God formed man from the earth. He “built in” to man an intimate connection to the earth, that is to the material world, which is an outward expression of His creative nature. But, God gave man a personal touch by forming him with his own hands. If that was not enough, He also imbued him with his own breath. Therefore, man has an inward sense of the divine. Man is the intersection of the material and the spiritual. As the crowning act of creation God bound us to Himself in such an intimate way that we shall never be fully happy or satisfied without a true and living knowledge of Him. We will not realize our own identity without a living knowledge of Him. God went one step further by giving man the special gift of Holy matrimony and with it the gift to procreate. By having a family we can understand how God feels about us. What more could we ever desire. God truly provided beyond what we could ever ask or think. Man could find satisfaction in learning of God through his experience of the environment.

How great a gift is the environment?

Genesis 2: 2, 3

What can we infer from the fact that God rested on the Sabbath?

God is a composer. In music, it is said that a pause or rest is more important than the sounds in between. A rest is pregnant as it were. It is like a seed that contains with in itself the unfolding of many seasons. Silence punctuates and orders what follows. The silence that follows a symphony is the time in which it’s meaning sinks into the core of our understanding. It is the time in which its imprint is made and we experience the ennobling quality of the sounds that came before. If you follow the analogy, that silence is an integral part of the piece. In the absence of work on the Sabbath we find closure to our weekly activities, allowing us to savor the true meaning and purpose of life, our relationship to the creator and his children. It gives us a sense of a fresh start and a new direction for the week ahead. Contemplating the love of our God helps us “retool” for the challenges ahead. It helps us gladly take up our responsibilities to the creation.

Mark 2: 27, 28 Mark 3: 4 What was Jesus’ understanding of the Sabbath?
In the Sabbath God is teaching us about the importance of using our creativity in assuming the responsibility God has given us to be good stewards of the precious environment he has entrusted to our keeping. Jesus gave us the example of many miracles of healing and putting things right. Remembering our duties toward the creation help us renew our creative focus. We are not to get lost in survival, nor or we to be stressed by being overburdened. We are to exercise discernment and find meaning in service to those in need.

Genesis 3: 7, 17-19
Let’s consider how Adam and Eve experienced the consequences of their disobedience. What was the first indication and image how they might of experienced it?

I image that their vibratory level changed as the consequences of sin began to take its affect. The balance between the spiritual and material was lost. Their physical aspect became more prominent. As their robes of light dissolved, they began to feel cold and exposed where as before they felt comfortable and confident in their relationship to their environment. Before they probably did not experience such a division between themselves and their environment. Now they felt separated from it, and they suddenly felt uncomfortably self-conscious. Suddenly they experienced their environment as hostile. As their dominion over the animals was lost, the animals began to fear them and also became hostile. They were no longer interdependent as God had planned but the Darwinian principle of the survival of the fittest came forth and even snow balled into exploitation. Humans became more and more materialistic so that the earth’s resources began to be used as personal possessions of aggrandizement. Today we are no strangers to the pollution of air and water. Just this last week, news of another great oil spill, this time in the Gulf of Mexico, made the news. We are also no strangers to the pollution of a lack of integrity in business affairs that cause economic recession and the loss of many beneficial programs to help those who are in need in our communities.

What do you think about the statement: “ We don’t have to worry about the environment because Jesus is coming back soon.”
My response is we don’t know exactly when that might be and we have responsibilities to the future generations. This idea goes against the principle of stewardship.

Psalms 24:1
What implications do these verses have for us? “ What if anything can we do to improve the environment? We can conserve water in the use of cisterns that collect and store rainwater from our roves. We can lower the carbon footprint by eating a vegetarian diet thus avoiding the over production of beef. We can be more conscientious about recycling. We can make compost piles and plant trees for the use of birds and other wildlife as well a adding to the oxygen supply of the planet. We can choose to support sustainable agriculture and support efforts to grow and purchase local produce thus eliminating excess transportation and use of fossil fuels. We can choose to learn more about perma-culture and the use of native plants that take less water. There is much to learn about working with ecosystems. We can also support communal gardens and conserve natural areas in city planning.

Matthew 25: 34-46
How might our stewardship of the earth play a role here in doing what Jesus asks us to do in these verses?
We can seek to take part in efforts to supply clean water where the need is great and we can seek to educate about health practices and water conservation. We can also make efforts to teach about and support sustainable agriculture, and introduce economically healthy cottage industries as well. There is so much that can be done along these lines with such a variety of settings that we are probably not tapping in to.

How can and should the Sabbath play a role in our concern for the environment? How does Sabbath keeping help us be better environmentalist? The creation of the Sabbath was a time created by God to appreciate and savor the wonder and beauty of the creation. It was to stand as a memorial of creation. The love that God has for men and women is manifested in the care he took in preparing our environment. As a symbol of His love and as the provision God has made to meet the very needs of our existence, we understand even more than others the absolute importance of caring for the environment and the creatures that fill it. If we keep the true spirit of the Sabbath we will realize our responsibilities to exercise good stewardship and help others do so as well.

What are some of the negative health effects that damage to the environment is causing in our community? What role could and should our church take in this area.

One example is some unacceptable levels of pollution in our water reservoirs. Also chemicals needed to treat our water supply may in themselves cause health concerns. Another cause of concern in our community and in the country at large is the prevalence of obesity, diabetes heart disease and cancer. This is largely due to fast foods, reliance on fat laden meat and sweets as mainstays of diet and lack of regular exercise.
Many young people turn to drugs in our community? How can we provide ways to meet their needs and help them find more productive and fulfilling activities to participate in? How can we as a church impact our environment for good?

Seventh Day Adventist Vacation Bible School in Livingston

We just completed the first Seventh Day Adventist Vacation Bible School in Livingston, TN. It was a very nice event where fun was had by all while we focused on teaching the children about the seven days of creation. There was painting, crafts, games, and songs. Thanks to everyone that came to the event!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Days of Creation: Therapeutic watercolor workshop

News Flash!!!!Please join Ann Cregg for a therapeutic watercolor workshop.
We will explore the wet-on-wet technique to free up your creative juices.
The theme will be the Days of Creation which is a great context for
exploring the joys of watercolor.
The workshop begins on Thursday June 17th from 9:30-12:00. We will paint
outside. Materials are included and the cost will be $10 a session.(if this
is a problem, please speak to me, I'm sure we can work something out) The
second session will be on the following Thursday June 24th and the final
session will be on July 1. You are welcome to come to one or all. Call Ann
Cregg to reserve a spot at 931-403-3674.